AWS Transit Gateway vs Azure Virtual Network Peering

September 22, 2021

Cloud Networking Shootout

Welcome to the cloud networking showdown! In this corner, we have the reigning champion, AWS Transit Gateway. And in the other corner, the challenger, Azure Virtual Network Peering. Who will come out on top? Let's find out!

What is AWS Transit Gateway?

AWS Transit Gateway is a cloud networking service offered by Amazon Web Services. It facilitates interconnectivity between multiple Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) and on-premises networks, thereby simplifying complex network architectures. AWS Transit Gateway acts as a hub for VPC connections and provides advanced features such as automatic route propagation, intelligent routing, and network segmentation.

What is Azure Virtual Network Peering?

Azure Virtual Network Peering is a networking service offered by Microsoft Azure. It provides a direct connection between two or more virtual networks in the same or different regions, allowing them to communicate with each other securely and privately. Azure Virtual Network Peering eliminates the need for a gateway or VPN tunnel and enhances the performance and scalability of the network.

Features Comparison

Let's compare the features and capabilities of AWS Transit Gateway and Azure Virtual Network Peering.

Features AWS Transit Gateway Azure Virtual Network Peering
Scalability Supports up to 5,000 attachments per gateway and up to 50 Gbps throughput for each attachment. Supports up to 100 peering connections and up to 10 Gbps throughput for each connection.
Routing Supports dynamic and static routing across multiple VPCs and on-premises networks. Supports dynamic and forced tunneling (for internet traffic) routing across multiple virtual networks.
Security Encrypted traffic over the network and allows traffic filtering using network access control lists (ACLs). Encrypted traffic over the network and supports traffic filtering using network security groups (NSGs).
Cost Charges apply based on the number of gateway attachments, data transfer, and routing tables. Charges apply based on the number of peered virtual networks, data transfer, and usage of NSGs.
Management Easy-to-use management console with APIs and SDKs for automation and monitoring. Integration with Azure Resource Manager and PowerShell for automation and monitoring.

Which One is Right For You?

It ultimately depends on your business needs and the type of network architecture you have. AWS Transit Gateway is best suited for hub-and-spoke architectures with multiple VPCs and on-premises networks. It provides advanced features and scalability but can be more complex to set up.

On the other hand, Azure Virtual Network Peering is best suited for mesh architectures with multiple virtual networks. It simplifies network connectivity and enhances performance but does not have the same level of advanced features as AWS Transit Gateway.


After evaluating both services, we can conclude that both AWS Transit Gateway and Azure Virtual Network Peering are excellent options for cloud networking. They provide seamless connectivity, advanced routing capabilities, and enhanced security features. Ultimately, your decision should be based on your organization's requirements and the network architecture you have in place.

So there you have it, folks, the cloud networking showdown between AWS Transit Gateway and Azure Virtual Network Peering. Who won? We'll leave that up to you to decide!


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